Sunday, January 16, 2011

How to do 52 things in 2011

photo I took last year at Toronto Island

I really want to get back to blogging - I do. But it's hard, life is busy. I have made some fun stuff this past year but haven't had time to share. Here's hoping I can be better in 2011.
While reading a blog, karenika, I saw that in 2010 she wrote out 52 things she wanted to do that year. Lately I've been collecting a mental list of projects to finish around our house, craft projects I would like to try and just things I want to do this year. So I've written them down if for no other reason to help me remember and hopefully motivate me to cross things off. I'll post the interesting ones for you to see.

52 things for 2011
  1. Post on the family blog at least once a month
  2. Post on how to do something... at least once a month
  3. Finish my 2010 year in review photo book
  4. Make Barbie doll house
  5. Make book sling for Lilo’s room
  6. Finish painting dots on Isla’s rocking chair
  7. Organize Lilo’s playroom
  8. Organize Isla’s room
  9. Make change table into desk
  10. Buy bedroom furniture
  11. Decorate our bedroom
  12. Paint upstairs bathroom
  13. Paint downstairs bathroom
  14. Artwork in kitchen
  15. Sew something for myself
  16. Sew Lilo gymnastics outfit
  17. Sew dresses for the girls
  18. Sew nightgowns for the girls
  19. Tackle my alteration pile
  20. Buy a new belt or 2
  21. Go to a movie with just Rob
  22. Go to a movie with the kids
  23. Get a tattoo
  24. Make my studio space look less like a dungeon
  25. Make bird mobile for Lilo’s room
  26. Make a headboard for Isla’s room
  27. Organize my closet
  28. Take more photos
  29. Relearn how to take photos in manual
  30. Hang pictures up the stairs
  31. Make a meal plan
  32. Dye my hair blond
  33. Go to Winnipeg
  34. Go to Florida
  35. Go away with just Rob
  36. Fill lamp with something new every month
  37. Collect enough beach glass to fill the lamp
  38. Get/make the girls portfolios
  39. Create an art book for each girl
  40. Get file folders boxes for each girl to files things from each year.
  41. Make a quilt
  42. Organize the basement
  43. Put up the radio in the kitchen
  44. Find a better solution for our knives in the kitchen
  45. Put up can crusher
  46. Go to Toronto Island with bikes
  47. Make tote bags for the girls art projects from daycare
  48. Make headband for lady at work
  49. Organize my recipes
  50. Make 5 fabulous gifts for 5 fabulous ladies
  51. Make a headboard for our bedroom
  52. Make t-shirt necklace
So what do you want to accomplish this year?


  1. Great idea! I may post a similar list on my blog soon. I've got the mental list going right now too.

  2. Glad to see you back!

    Do you live near Toronto or were you just visiting? I'm in the Toronto area too!

    I know I find blogging can be hard to get at too but this year, one of my biggest resolutions is to blog when I pressure on myself. Perhaps you can treasure that one too!

  3. Yes, R&R, I live in Toronto - Beaches area. We went to Toronto Island on our week staycation and I want to get back there again this summer.
    I feel like I need to pressure my self a bit to post otherwise it will just slip away (like my family one has). I'm hoping to get into a routine of some sort so I blog on Thursday's when the hubby's out or something (or maybe that's the night I create something)

  4. We're actually in Burlington so not GTA but close!

    Well, if you need a bit of a 'push' sometimes, I'm happy to help because I think your blog is awesome! So, if you need a nudge, I'll be there! LOL!

  5. WOW, I love your Ideas!!

    greetz from your new follower from Germany

