Monday, January 25, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - ABC

This weeks Muffin Tin Monday theme is ABC/ 1 2 3. Since I've done some number muffin tins before I thought I'd work with the ABCs but do all the letters and see how many letter of the alphabet we could find food for.

I started with two 12 cup muffin tins and one 6 cup one and cut out all the letters of the alphabet and taped them to the muffin tins. Then I just started going through the kitchen seeing what would work. Lilo and I worked together. I had another small tin for Isla to snack on while we were making it. Here's what we got.
A: Apples, B: Broccoli, C: Cheese, D: couldn't think of anything, E: Elephant animal crackers, F: again drew a blank and didn't want to make any fish or french fries for lunch, G: Grapes, H: Hotdogs, I: Crushed Ice, J: Juice, K: Ketchup, L: Lion animal crackers.

M: Milk, N: Noodles, O: Orange, P: Pickles, Q: don't have anything here either (Isla dropped something but really what starts with Q), R: Red Pepper (that I will be eating when they are done), S: Syrup, T: could have been toast or tomato but I didn't do anything, U: again nothing just Isla's extras, V: Vegetables (carrots and cucumbers), W: Waffle, X: again nothing.

Finally Y: Yogurt and nothing for Z.
If I had actually planned it I might have gotten more letters but for an on the spot lunch I thought I did pretty good. Since it was a huge muffin tin lunch I had them share it and I ate the left overs :)
Check out what other people did over at Muffin Tin Mom.


Be Brave, Keep Going said...

I can't believe how many letters you were able to get in! I gave up after "C" LOL. Awesome job!

Valerie said...

Wow! You hit the alphabet! Great work, I wouldn't have ever done that LOL...far too much work for me :)

Anonymous said...

Yoou did every letter! What a tin!

Unknown said...

That is super fancy! Props to you.
Great tins. =]

silly eagle books said...

Impressive! I thought of trying this, but then thought there was no way I could find more than 6. :)

w said...

oh wow! you went all out with your letters. also. you apparently have a well stocked fridge and pantry. unlike me...

great tin(s)!

Unknown said...

Just a WONDERFUL learning experience- great ideas! Good job Mamma!

Mama to 5 said...

wow - you used lots of letters - great job! :) Cute blog - 1st time visiting :)

Tiffany said...

I'm am impressed the you had all of theat without running to the store. WOW!!! Great idea.

Shay S. said...

You inspired me. I tend to do my muffin tins on Tues. I look at the tins from Monday & that helps me get my creative juices flowing. I also did all the letters I possibly could.

jojoebi-designs said...

wow, it would take me a month of planning to pull this off!