Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to do easy tie dye with tissue paper

I saw this neat idea over at Dollar Store Crafts last year and wanted to try - so I did, last year (yes, it's old but I thought I'd post it anyways since the idea as fun).

It's cute to see the girls looking so young.

Since it was last year that I tried this I'll just give you a brief recap of what I did (or what I remember doing). I found a few old t-shirts and an old stained dress of Lilo's to work with. I have a dollar store shower curtain I use as a drop cloth for kids crafts. I was using it so the clothes wouldn't get dirty (Isla walked all over this idea ).
First wet the clothes you want to dye.
Then rip up tissue paper and place on your fabric and spray with a mixture of white vinegar and water.

Then we let them dry. Some colours work better than others and some tissue paper works better than others - the cheaper the better. Red and yellow were the hardest to get colour from but I did find a few scraps of tissue paper that worked. I've also read that crepe paper works (like the crepe paper streamers) work well, think of how they stain your hands when they get wet.
And this is what we came up with . Ok, so it was more of the process that was fun and the end result was, well ok :) The girls tops were pretty cute but I think mine ended up being a painting shirt. One thing I figured out was that the colour will bleed to the other side so put a plastic bag inside the shirt if you don't want this to happen.
To set colours throw them in the dryer after they've dry. Then wash them since they smell like vinegar. The colours stayed after washing. I didn't wash them lots so I don't know how long the colour will last but they did go through a few washing and still had colour.
It was a fun outside summer activity. Enjoy and check out Dollar Store Crafts for a full tutorial.

1 comment:

  1. Fun! Thanks for sharing. The shower curtain drop cloth is a good idea. I could use that for a lot of my projects! :)

