Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to teach the Alphabet - the Letter F for Fairy

As I was thinking of ideas for the letter F, fairy seemed perfect for my girly girl. She has become very picky about what she wants to do for each letter and she's a bit of joker so each idea that I come up with and share with her goes something like this. "How about frog for F?" "Oh no, too jumpy" " How about snake for S?" "Oh no, too scary" "How about mom for M?" "Oh no, too angry" - that's my funny girl. Anyway, I knew she couldn't say anything about fairies.
It's not the prettiest fairy but she's cute and Isla had fun making her. I drew out the letter F and Isla cut it out, and then I cut out the other shapes and let her glue them on. She also glued on some beads and jewels that we had. The drawing of yellow at the bottom corner is a flower so she was called a flower fairy.

Afterwards she did a free form craft with the scrapes of coloured. She had fun cutting and glueing her colour-block creation, she's very on trend for spring :)

The Letter A for Alligator
The Letter B for Bubbles
The Letter C for Circles and Clown
The Letter D for Donut
The Letter E for Easter Eggs

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