Tuesday, March 06, 2007

How to … be productive while surfing the web at work

So yesterday after I did the blog around, I was checking out my crafty sites. This then lead to other sites and I then found this awesome site for work. See I knew my surfing was useful.

This designer and trend forecaster in the UK has a blog where she (I think) posts photos of prints and patterns; everything from art, fabric, clothing, linens and housewares. It’s really neat to see since a lot of her findings are from Europe so it’s different then what we are seeing here and in the states. It’s great to get inspiration from a different source.

Today I found another site – it shows old fabric prints. Not quite as cool but they still had some nice stuff.


Sera said...

The link to the trend forcaster's page doesn't work - booo.

Vone said...

fixed it - I've also added it to my crafty sites