Wednesday, February 20, 2008

How to … make Sponge Bob pjs

I made these super cool Sponge Bob Square pants pyjamas for Christmas for Lilo, and her 2 older cousins. I got a bunch of this fabric from a friend and was planning to make pjs last Christmas but didn’t get the time. I thought I really should do it this Christmas since who knows if Sponge Bob will still be cool next year – especially to a 9 year old.
So I went to Fabricland (Fabricland – sorry you have to say it twice like the jingle) and bought a pattern that pretty much spanned all the sizes I need for the 3 pjs. When I got home I realized that I didn’t have enough fabric to make tops also so I just made the pants. This was all I really had time to make anyways since they were coming the next day. The pants whipped together pretty quick – with out knowing exact sizes of the kids it was hard to get it right, so Andrew’s pants are a little too short, not that he seemed to mind and all the waists are a little too loose but that didn’t bother them either.
So I thought it’s one thing for adults to have lazy pants but kids usually don’t so I needed a top to go with them. So I got some cheap black t-shirts for the boys and appliquéd one of the Sponge Bob faces on the front. I had an old Halloween t-shirt that Lilo only wore 2 times and thought I’d might was well use that one –so I just covered the pumpkin with a face. I put different faces on each so they all had their own expression.

Of course we didn’t get a picture of all 3 of them wearing them – too bad, next time they are together we will.
Lilo doesn’t even watch Sponge Bob but I still think these are her favorite pjs – probably the colour. And Lilo loves pjs – she would wear them all day if she could. The other day when she didn’t want to put on what I picked for her in the morning, I asked her what she wanted to wear and she pulled out pjs out of the basket. Too keep her happy I let her wear one of her pjs tops that doesn’t look too pj like and just put a sweater over it – compromise, already and she’s only 2.

The other good thing about these pjs is that they fit over her cast and in the hospital we happened to be in the Sponge Bob room - pretty cool.

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