The layered rainbow cake idea came from here.
Lilo's 4th birthday we did rainbow cupcakes. I used cake mix this time but found a variation here, on Saucy's Sprinkles that makes it even tastier - replace the oil with melted butter and whip it all up.
So for Lilo's 5th birthday she asked again for a rainbow cake so here came version 3. Again an idea from Saucy's Sprinkles blog to divide the batter and dye it up. Then scoop them into the pan and since the batter is nice and whipped the different colours don't run into each other.
I made the cake in a Pampered Chef batter bowl in 2 batches and layered them and trimmed to make it into a beautiful princess cake. Here's the directions. It was a fun surprize for Lilo's friends when I cut in and it was rainbow inside. And a freaky surprize when she pulled the Barbie out and found out the Barbie was only a torso.
And then for fun this summer when we had friends over I made the "Double Rainbow" cake. Remember that crazy Youtube video that was everywhere. Well I saw this idea and thought it would be a fun dessert. I made the cake with a angel food ring cake mold and cut it half, covered with icing and then M&Ms. I got Lilo to help me sort out the M&Ms and we got to snack on the brown ones.

To add extra fun to these cupcakes all the kids got a tray with treats to decorate the cupcakes with - it was a lot of fun that I think I will do again another year.

Now to come up with a 5th version for her next birthday :)
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